El Tayeb Mustafa
President of Future University-Sudan, former Director of the Division for Science Policy & Sustainable Development at the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), a Founding Member of the Arab Academy of Sciences, a Member of the Royal Academy of Overseas Science (Belgium), the Secretary of the UNESCO-EOLSS Joint Committee in Charge of the Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (www.eolss.net). I also served for 10 years as Editor-in-Chief of the Unesco World Science Report. Dr El Tayeb has been selected to become the first chairman of the Arab Forum for Sustainability Science. He is also responsible for the Unesco chair on Echotechnie for Sustainable Development, at the Future University. He is a member of the Governing Board of International Centre for South-South Cooperation in Science, Technology and Innovation, KL Malaysia and Member of the Governing Board of the International Centre for Science, Technology Strategy.