Our vision

Our ultimate goal is to provide high quality translated materials about Sudan then make it always available for interested people everywhere who would love to deepen their knowledge about Sudan & its people or culture. This website is just the beginning for what is supposed to be a massive translation movement within near future that will focus on translating entire Sudanese literature, art, culture, etc into English in order to enrich the positive Sudanese English content online for those with zero Arabic language.

Our Mission

For donkey years in traditional media, Sudan has always been associated with civil wars, poverty, famine, fatal conflicts, etc. Today, we are working tirelessly to provide a positive & reliable content about REAL Sudan; literally, Sudan is the land of incredible diversity and overwhelming hospitality besides plenty of hidden treasures of beautiful culture and deep-rooted heritage that we look forward to unlocking through the pages of this website.

core values
Real content
Only trusted materials from authentic sources will be shared here; we aim to reflect the already positive image we have not to fabricate a false one.
Breadth of content
Covering different areas of interest like art, literature, media, etc giving you a rare chance to see Sudan through different lenses.
Reliable content
Your guaranteed website to widen your knowledge about Sudan and to dig deeper within its diverse culture and rich heritage where all materials are created by Sudanese youth.
Updated content
Here you can find thrilling and up-to-date info about Sudan the land of continuous surprises and hidden treasures.

It’s all about Sudan