Dr. Ahmed Motasim, TEDxKhartoum 2011

Dr. Ahmed Motasim is a Historical and an Archaeology Researcher. A former diplomat at the Sudanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a historical and an archaeology researcher, also a member of the national Endowment for the arts, Dr. Ahmed is holding a Bsc of Arts in History from University of Khartoum (U of K), Master of Arts in Folklore from the African and Asian Studies Institute from U of K and a Ph.D. in archeology from U of K also. His passion to Sudanese culture plus connecting it to the present lead him to explore old traditions and rituals still affecting Sudan’s society today. Being a diplomat in many countries around the world encouraged him to share Sudanese culture by researches and books, he has published lots of articles in both languages Arabic and English in a number of periodicals and journals.

Also Dr. Ahmed has published:
-(Kingdom of Christian Gates and the Time of Anj) book.
-(waking people to honor of Bani Abbas) manuscript.
Under the copyright:
*(Kingdom of Alawa) book.
*(Historical and citizen Culture for Al-Takaki area) book.
*(AL-Robatab tales) book.
*(The era of the tournament at Sinnar) book, (translating to J-Spoling).