“No place like home “a well-known saying that means a lot to me but does it to you? Home doesn’t only mean a family, it also mean a country, a place where the one belongs and feels secure. So my home is Sudan. Sudan is one of the greatest countries in terms of hospitality. Sudanese are really hospitable. Our hospitality is internationally known. If I want to write about it, it takes time and pages. One of the best examples is what happens during Ramadan specifically Al Gazira’s inhabitants. What they do before the breakfast time is closing the expressway and asking the driver to pull over so the passengers can take their breakfast. Which inhabitants in another country could do that? Another thing is welcoming guests especially strangers. When they invite in guests or strangers they offer and show great hospitality, to the point that they make them feel that they are home.
Another quality is peace. Our country is quite peaceful as against other countries. It’s not completely peaceful, but at least we can sleep without hearing gunshots, bombing, gangbangers or mugging. So to those who are immigrating, don’t leave your home. You can find an alternative to whatever comes to your mind but you can’t find home like your own. Let’s keep our home safe. Let’s unify together and make it better instead of competing with each other. Let’s think out of the box and take it to the top. Let’s be collaborative, not for the sake of ourselves, but for the sake of our home. Let’s drop the pronoun “I” and start with “we” because “we” can turn the impossible into possible “we” can change the worst to the best “we” can make one person “I’m Sudanese ” into a great nation “we are Sudanese “. I don’t want to prolong the paragraph. This a brief résumé of my home. I don’t call it my country, because it’s my home. So “No place like my home Sudan”.