It’s another Eid in Sudan and this time it’s Aladha Eid. In Islamic religion there are two different kinds of Eids, one of them is Alfitr Eid and it comes after Ramadan directly after Muslims people spend a fest of complete month, without eating or drinking from certain time in the morning until evening when the Sun set down, the other one is the current one and it’s called Eid Aladha and it comes about two months after Eid Alfitr. The thing that distinguish Aladha from Alfitr is the sheep that Muslim people slaughter in order to fulfill one of their religion’s rights.
Sudanese people are really friendly and kind people and it’s a fact that no one can deny especially those people who lived some time in Sudan, regardless, whether they are Sudanese or foreigners. They have a different kind of hospitality which it’s so hard to find somewhere else Sudan and It’s one of things I’ve checked personally after ten years of living in Sudan and till now and I believe that this kind of special hospitality Sudanese people are inherited generation after another and it’s still alive in their souls although life has extremely changed in Sudan and even people have changed due to globalization and many other factors like economical and social situation.
But, really, “I still believe that” Sudanese people still now they maintain that good qualities that differentiate them from other nations and one of things that proves my theory what we see during the days of Eid and particularly Aladha’s Eid when all people gather in one place in their grandfathers/grandmothers homes, they spend Eid’s days together, have fun, drink, eat and chat together in friendly atmosphere which is not always available except during Eid’s days, beside, it’s a rare chance for many others to visit people whom it’s difficult to visit during normal days due to life pressures.
Sudan, fortunately, you are still fine and alive and it’s because you still have a good people, a talented people and talented generation who fortunately express clearly and loudly that they are a Sudanese, but all what they need is just a suitable chances beside a little bit of respect and care which they really deserve God bless you Sudan.