Khalid Mansour, is a Sudanese Award winning marketing professional with 12 years marketing experience working across four continents and in six countries. Khalid studied industrial design, communication and holds an MA in Business Design from Domus Academy.

Sudanese Productive Inventor

Coming from a diverse education background which led to a diverse working background as well. Starting from working in the University of Texas labs, to a performing/recording musician, guitar tutoring, bookstore sales, audio engineer to research director, traveling between Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Cyprus, the States, Dubai, and recently Sudan.

After graduating from University of Sudan, with a BA in Fine Arts and Graphic Design in 2001, Fadwa Sa’ad decided to follow her passion for teaching, and turn it into a career.

El Tayeb Farah is a PR practitioner, a newspapers columnist and television presenter. Mr. Farah is the writer of popular Keyboard column which is published on Goan newspaper and www.goansport.net and which deals with key social and sports topics in Sudan.

Elfateh Hussain is a Sudanese Musician and Guitarist.